January 4th. The first day of my 35 weeks pregnancy. I noticed unusual discharge during "toilet break" when I was having dinner at Café Asia with my friends from IUC (Ellin, Kak Vero, and Dewi). I was like...
"what's this?" because for almost nine months, I've never experience this "thing".
Later on, I found out that it was mucus plug which is one of the signs of labor:
* You pass your mucus plug or notice "bloody show."
You may pass your mucus plug — the small amount of thickened mucus that's sealed your cervical canal during the last nine months — if your cervix begins to dilate as you get close to labor. The plug may come out all at once in a lump, or as increased vaginal discharge over the course of several days. The mucus may be tinged with blood (which may be brown, pink, or red), which is why it's referred to as "bloody show."
Some literatures that I've read say different things about this mucus plug. What to Expect When You're Expecting (this book is kind of my "pregnancy bible") says that there are several prelabor symptoms that we (expectant mother) may notice:
- Lightening and engagement;
- Sensations of increasing pressure in the pelvis and rectum;
- Loss of weight or cessation of weight gain;
- A change in energy levels;
- A change in vaginal discharge;
- Pink, or bloody, show;
- Loss of the mucous plug;
- Intensification of Braxton Hicks contractions;
- Diarrhea.
Loss of the mucous plug. As the cervix begins to thin and open, the "cork" of mucus that seals the opening of the uterus becomes dislodged. This gelatinous chunk of mucus can be passed through vagina a week or two before the first real contractions, or just as labor begins.
[What To Expect When You're Expecting: 3rd Edition, Page 335]
Tell you the truth, it was kinda freak me out... a bit , since my pregnancy has not yet considered as "full term" (37 weeks considered as full term). And since si Ayah was born premie (3 weeks early), I am a bit worried that we're going to have a premie too! Though, at the same time I'm getting so excited... I'm going to be BUNDA and I'm going to hold my precious little one in my arms very very soon! I just hope that everything's going to be just fine. We discussed whether we call Dr. Fauzia or not regarding this... and we decided to wait until our appointment next week. And anyways, the mucus doesn't contain any blood (which they call: bloody show) and hasn't followed by any contractions (not even Braxton Hicks... well, at least until I finished typing this
Also, this past couple of weeks I found myself "full of energy". I don't have any backpain or feel fatigue anymore. I told David that happens perhaps because of my body is kind of getting used to my "big bump" and for some (odd?) reason, I feel so much fresh (maybe my body's telling me that it's getting ready for the labor?)... alhamdulillaah. And because the mucus plug that passed yesterday, I and David are getting excited and starting to make lists for: packing (to our trip to hospital when the time comes) and my birth plan, getting ready to pre-registered at the Virginia Hospital Center (Women and Infant Health) and register online for hospital tour for expectant parents (hopefully we can go there this coming Sunday, insya Allah).
Still lots of things to be done. I haven't washed Junior's clothes yet, and we still need to shop for some items. David has been browsing the net for car seat (since it's a must item to bring our baby home, insya Allah) and stroller and he told me today that he thinks he might found the right one (he's kinda picky on this, hee hee).
Ouch... guess I just had another Braxton Hicks. Oh my...
Anakku, hang in there... for at least another 2 weeks, ok?! I know you're so excited to meet Bunda and Ayah, and also your Daeng Iman, your grandpa and grandma, kakek dan nenek in Makassar (though we have to wait until Lebaran this coming October, insya Allah), and sooo many people that loooooove you and have been waiting for your arrival... But please... tolong Bunda ya Nak... paling tidak dua minggu lagi...
Yaty, ini Ellen (edb). Udah hampir mo lahirkan kau yah. Full of energy = u r ready to nest yr egg hehehe. Enjoy ko yr time n have plenty of rest before the baby is born. Anakmu pasti bule skali *guessing dikit nda 'pa2 neh*, soale David red hair kan.. Anakku yg kedua lahir 10 days earlier, dicepatkan ama dokter dgn induced krn saya sudah spotting (si mucus itu) n warna blood nya bright red (not a good signed kata dokterku).
Aniwei, i m sure u will be fine n soon u will be a wonderful mom.
Selamat taon baru 2007 ne.
Yaty.... semoga semuanya berjalan lancar nah. 2 minggu lebih awal apa masih dihitung premature? kan bisa jadi salah hitung. But issengi deh... saya kan belum experience.
Yang paling penting si baby Z dan ibundanya sehat-sehat selalu.
Kasih kabar nah kalau sudah lahiran.
Take care..
Ellen --> Weh, padahal saya harap-harap cemas moga-moga ini Junior tidak terlalu bulé... soalnya nanti klo dibawa pulang mudik ke Makassar dikira saya nanny/babysitter-nya instead of mommy-nya, hehehe. Tapi iya, emang David rada red hair (meski cuma beard-nya doang, rambutnya rada brunette gitu deh). Yang rambutnya asli merah itu Dad-nya David (ayah mertuaku).
Makasih neh atas encouragement-nya, I definitely need that! Selamat Tahun Baru juga buat Ellen sekeluarga *hugs*.
Miya --> Masih terhitung premature kalo kurang dari 37 minggu, cess. Tapi ada juga yang bilang kalopun premature labor tapi lahirnya spontan tanpa komplikasi (seperti misalnya toxemia/pre-eclamsia, dsb) biasanya ndak begitu dipermasalahkan yang penting sudah lewat 34 minggu. Doakan nah biar semua lancar dan dimudahkan Allah. I'll sms you once we get our baby in our arms, insya Allah!
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